Our Story
If you could settle anywhere, where would you ‘settle’?
A question we asked among ourselves!
One day we extended this conversation not just as a ‘talk’ to pass the evening but to shape this thought into a reality.
And so our journey started, well we all wanted to settle in some beautiful Himalayan state, pleasant weather, serene landscape and peaceful life.
Not just that; we wanted to create something bigger than ourselves and be devoted to it sincerely.
We always wanted to help and believed in equal opportunities, ‘However’, we very well knew the reality was; far-fetched; so the idea of ‘PEOPLE OF VALLEY’ was born.
An enterprise; ‘Of the people, by the people & for the People.’
“Since” then, ‘we’ are heading towards our goal in this heartfelt project of ‘People of Valley’.
The Mushroom Story
Well, we were making all these claims and it seemed great, but how did we plan to deliver it?We started with what we could, well in our village, most families identify themselves as farmers. However, they were not making a living out of it; for them, it was just for self-consumption and we thought is it sustainable? Will it help them to live a quality life? The answer was no!
We needed an example to showcase what is sustainable for each and pragmatic at the same time & The idea of Mushroom farming came into consideration; it was favorable for such a crop as the climate was suitable for it, and it could be done throughout the year in the mountains.
Also, the government was helping farmers who would like to be mushroom farmers, from providing training to giving huge subsidies. So we tried to encourage people to start mushroom farming, but the fear was, what if it fails; such farming was never been tried before. Therefore we decided to invest in it and lead by example, we started with a small plant with two tons of compost in November 2021 and we successfully harvested over 400 kg of mushrooms and not only that we created employment through it. Now people know, it can be done and are positive about making a living out of it. So what we achieved here is very much our mission; we empowered people; we created employment and most we created opportunities.